
Permanent Jewelry Welder Side-by-Side Comparison

Aug 29, 2023


Thane Kennedy 150x150 Headshot

Thane Kennedy
Product Manager


The world's best selling permanent jewelry welder is, without a doubt, the Orion mPulse. A close second, is the PJ artist's preferred welder, the Orion PJ. Still, there are many PJ artists who, for many reasons, are attracted to what many in the industry call the "unbranded" welder. 

I've been asked many times what the differences are between the unbranded welder and an Orion permanent jewelry welder. This chart may help you in choosing the right welder for your permanent jewelry business.

  Unbranded-PJ-Welder-Front-480x600 Orion PJ Front View Lo Res
  Unbranded Orion PJ™
Product Origin China USA
Portability 11.7 lbs/10.9 X 6 X8.6 inches 2.5 lbs/6 X 4 X 6 inches
Energy Settings Press the Up/Down arrows to adjust power percentage, then adjust the time (in milliseconds. Press the plus/minus symbols to increase or decrease energy.
Safety CE certification is suspect without manufacturer contact information. CE and NRTL certified. Includes weld on/off and lock buttons to prevent unintended energy discharges.
Utilization Manufacturing began decades ago and intended for orthodontic laboratories. Specifically designed for permanent jewelry.
Warranty Dependent upon seller. Manufacturer name and contact information is unknown. 2-year manufacturer's warranty with contact information labeled on the welder's back panel.
Customer Service Varies depending upon seller. Usually unknown or contact is via email with customer service based outside the United States. Limited assembly and use instructions. Chat, phone, or email with US-based customer service team. Ships with a comprehensive users guide. Assembly and welding tutorials available on line.